
My soundtrack

When it comes to the world of soundtracks, there are lots of great ones. But Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack for  Interstellar  is without a doubt my all-time favorite one. The following are some of the scenes where it is played. It might be a spoiler for those who haven't seen it though! It is especially interesting how in this scene the music has got a kind of tick that sounds every 1.25 seconds, which corresponds to a full day passing on Earth while they are on that planet. That is an incredible achievement by Zimmer on putting that much attention to time! I’ve chosen it because I think it’s a deep and beautiful soundtrack that I genuinely love, and that I see as one of the best soundtracks in terms of ‘doing its job’ in the film. What I mean is that it matches flawlessly with the whole theme of the film, it makes suspension and tension grow when it’s needed, just at the exact moment. This music achieves to do so by going at a speed of 60 bpm (most of the time),

Soundtrack. Task 1: Word

First of all, I hope you all are doing great! This time we have come to do a video aimed towards soundtracks. My work is specifically about using the word. Here I read aloud a poem about light. And it goes like this: Light comes To cross the light years. Light comes to allign With the whole universe. Let there be light, In the vein, into the blood, In the eyes, in the inner soul. To enlighten the darkness In the deep darken hearts.


Hi! During these difficult days I have shot this shortmovie that I present as "Aislamiento". It's meant to show how dull my quarantine days come to be in kind of an artistic way if you want to call it. I hope that you like it! Take care The video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ZonpPg-vtDboFjyrjLEUaAF9cJgQFwP/view?usp=sharing

Stop motion opening credits: The Grat Exam

A stop motion is a composition made out of lots of individually shot frames that when put together look like if they were an even video.  During our classes of Image and Sound in highschool, we have come up with the idea of doing the opening credits for our short film applying this technique. This is my result for ''The Great Exam''. Altough it might seem short (it is only 1 minute long), this stop motion clip is made out of 566 individual frames taken one by one, and believe that's a lot of work.  I hope that you like the final result :)).

Cuts and transitions: Smash cut

Today I will be bringing you an example of a broadly known type of cut in movies: the smash cut. You can easily recognise the smash cut at 0:43 because of the harsh transition from silence to that noisy ring bell.

(UPDATED) Film poster: The Great Exam

I'm glad to present to you the updated final poster for "The Great Exam", starring Adrián Cobo.

Color in photography

Hello lads, today I am sharing with you a photography work focused on contrast and harmony in color. CONTRAST IN COLOR: HARMONY IN COLOR: