The Script for my Short Film and its Plot

This post contains the main idea for the plot a brief summary of it, the plot structure diagram and the script of my short movie provisionally titled: "The Great Exam".

SCRIPT: “The Great Exam” by Rubén Cuenca Martínez
ADRIAN is a regular 17 years old high school student who messes up a bit with his studying schedules and responsabilities. Throughout the film we can easily put ourselves in the skin of an overwhelmed student who fails to get good marks, just to discover that in the end it is all his fault. However, we see this in a funny way.

Scene 1

ADRIAN’s bedroom, 6:00 am. A calendar with an upcoming exam on his desk is clearly seen.

ADRIAN: (gets off bed and starts his morning routine).

Scene 2

ADRIAN is in his kitchen. 6:00 am – 7:30 am.

ADRIAN: (prepares coffee and goes back to his bedroom to start studying, note: Loop this action three times as “mental breaks”).
“I wish I had had more time to prepare for this exam”
(Blinks and realizes he’s going to be late to the exam, picks his school bag and runs outside his house).

Scene 3

8:00 am
ADRIAN: (Runs downstairs and all across the Street towards high school)

Scene 4

High school, 8:15 am
ADRIAN: (arrives at school but he finds out the front door is blocked and there is no one inside. He then texts his classmate Pablo).
“Hey Pablo, is everything OK? Are you in class already?”
PABLO: “What do you mean in class? I’ve just woken up”
ADRIAN: “Haha I can’t believe you are late to this exam again”
PABLO: “Oh I see, you haven’t realiazed yet that today is Sunday, big brain”

Scene 5

ADRIAN’s bedroom
ADRIAN:(Throws his bag over his desk, lays on his bed and takes out his mobile phone)

Scene 6

ADRIAN’s bedroom, 6:00 am.
ADRIAN: I really wish I had more time to prepare for this exam.


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